Red Margin Fairy Wrasse

Categories: , SKU: N/A


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Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. The approximate size range may also vary between individual specimens.

Purchasing Options *


  • This option is as is from the supplier; therefore, excluded from our 7-day Live Guarantee
  • We will only treat this fish with Seachem Paraguard® dips in a 24 hour span plus another 24 hour in our system for de-stressing & acclimation prior ship out.
  • We cannot guarantee the survival of a non conditioned fish after delivery.
  • Note: We encourage to fully quarantine all fish after arrival to prevent any or all infections/parasites.


  • All conditioned specimens go through a strict protocol spanning from 2-weeks up to 6-weeks in addition to a 5 day observation/acclimation prior ship out.
  • Our 4 independent systems run with Coppersafe®, Paraguard®, Prazipro®, Metroplex®, Aqua-cipro® and Nitrofurazone medicated for most internal and external pathogens.
  • By clicking the option below, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions Page.